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  • How Your High-Rise Can Respond and Prepare for Blackouts

    Jul 13, 2017

    Losing power is never fun. But it’s bound to happen at some point, so preparation is the best defense. Obviously, different types of communities are affected by blackouts in different critical ways: high-rises lose their elevators and water; resort-style gated communities lose the ability to operate their gates. For residents, a blackout may be a short-term nuisance. For a community association, it can be a major headache in terms of risk management, safety and potential equipment damage that can provide an unwelcome shock to your budget.

  • If Disaster Strikes, Is Your Community Association Covered?

    Jul 05, 2017

    Mother Nature has quite the surprises to throw at us! Sometimes, there’s some notice and time to prepare. But often, there’s no warning at all. That’s why it is critical to the financial health of your community association that you have the correct insurance coverage in place. What can happen if your high-rise building or community association common areas aren’t properly covered? Unfortunately, nothing good. That's why it is important to make sure your Association is covered with insurance. 

  • Emergency Preparedness: What You Need to Know, and How Your Property Management Company Can Help

    Jun 29, 2017
    Although you can’t predict emergencies, you can prepare for them. The most important thing that both board members and management can do to ready themselves for the unexpected is to create a customized emergency preparedness plan. A quality community association management company will have the experience, resources and knowledge to help you develop a plan that fits your specific situation.
  • How Should You Enable Board Member Succession?

    Jun 23, 2017
    Thriving business organizations plan for succession. It’s built into their corporate strategy – team members with potential are identified early on, and then groomed for the leadership positions they’ll someday hold. 
  • Why a Team Transition Is The Best Approach For Your Community

    Jun 21, 2017
    How can your association avoid missteps and pitfalls when switching from one community management company to another? A great management company will have a depth of resources for your community, and that includes resources to help with your transition. To make sure that your transition goes well, you need to be able to rely on the skills of professionals in every facet of it. 
  • Six Essential Tips For New HOA Board Members

    Six Essential Tips For New HOA Board Members

    Jun 19, 2017
    Congratulations are in order – you’ve just been elected to the board. So now the big question: What’s next? “The great thing about associations that are helmed by owners is that they have a vested interest in doing right by their community,” said Kirk Kowieski, CMCA, AMS, vice president of FirstService Residential. “But that also comes with challenges...many board members find themselves in this kind of position for the first time, so there’s a little bit of a learning curve.” Fortunately, FirstService Residential is here to help. Follow these new board member basics and you’ll soon be governing like a pro.
  • The Best Service from Your Management Team Starts Before You Ask

    Jun 15, 2017
    You want your community association management company to respond when you need them. Shouldn’t a good management company be able to foresee some of your association’s needs and meet them before you ask? That’s the principle at the heart of proactive service, when emergencies are prevented rather than responded to. The best service is proactive, but its very nature – preventing problems before they arise – means that it can be hard to spot. So how do you know that your community association management company is being proactive on your behalf? Read on for some ways you can tell if your management company is behaving proactively.
  • Beyond the Manager: Discover the Value in Your Management Company

    Beyond the Manager: Discover the Value in Your Management Company

    Jun 15, 2017
    We all want to get the most for our money, and your community association is no different. When hiring a management company, it’s easy to focus on the bottom-line price and not understand the differences in real value among the proposals you see. The right community association management company will provide you with so much more than a good manager. 
  • Planning Your High-Rise Maintenance and Capital Improvements

    Jun 08, 2017
    Maybe this has happened to your high-rise association: An unexpected capital expense finds your condominium’s board of directors needing to impose a special assessment. Establishing a plan for your building’s maintenance and capital improvements is not only important for your budget. It can also prevent life-threatening catastrophes. So what does it take to put together a program that protects both the health of your association’s finances and the safety and lifestyle of your residents? Find out in our interview with Phil Pool, vice president at FirstService Residential.
  • The Importance of Preventative Maintenance in Your High-Rise

    Jun 06, 2017
    Protecting your high-rise with a solid preventative maintenance program will also protect the lifestyle you love and your community association’s budget. Preventative maintenance programs have countless benefits, including extending the life of almost every component and system in your building. A well-executed plan can also help your community optimize its operating budget by predicting when repairs or replacements are most likely to be needed and allowing your community to set aside money for them. How can you get started on a preventative maintenance plan? Check out our advice to get your high-rise on the right track when it comes to preventative maintenance.