Ontario's Leading Provider of Condominium Developer Services

Developer Services 

For over 20 years, FirstService Residential Developer Services has continued to provide guidance and a forward-thinking management approach to many of Ontario’s leading developers. We leverage our industry knowledge and expertise to help bring their community visions to life. Our industry-leading experience in planning and managing condominiums from the earliest phases to the ultimate turn-over to buyers, our expertise in creating and managing effective corporations has proven vital to the long-term success and lasting legacy of countless Ontario communities and properties. 

What makes us your development partner of choice?  As the industry leader, we have the extensive knowledge and expertise to support your vision, and we are the only residential property management company that can offer both global resources and local insights and connections – the ideal combination to help your planned community succeed and thrive.

Supporting Developers at Each Stage of Development

Our professional teams provide valuable guidance and support to developers and their partners, such as architects, engineers, lawyers, surveyors, planners as well as sales and marketing teams.  We understand industry best practices, as well as the complex design, operational and legal challenges faced by developing properties in every local market.  We believe in creating a positive purchaser experience and seamless transition to the condo corporation. This is why we can deliver customized solutions, backed by responsive, genuinely helpful service to reduce costs, streamline operations, minimize risk and add value to your project at every stage.

From conception through build-out, transition and beyond, we work closely with your development team to create a distinctive identity and desirable lifestyle for your planned community. We help position it for success and enhancing its marketability and financial stability, both now and for generations to come.

Our Developer Services Include:


  • Reviewing the proposed documentation, including the Disclosure Statement, proposed Declaration and accompanying By-Laws and Rules;
  • Reviewing the site plan;
  • Meeting with various contractors, suppliers and professionals to plan out the services and obtain cost estimates for those services to the proposed condominium;
  • Preparing a draft budget(s);
  • Preparing notes to the budget(s);
  • Preparing schedule(s) of monthly fees for each unit;
  • Preparing Schedule D to the proposed Declaration
  • Providing insight and drawing expertise on the current market, in terms of what the market wants and expects
  • Provide information on what others have in the market and the fees for over 800 projects completed by our team
  • Making recommendations as appropriate, review design drawings and provide recommendations for efficient property management and operational functionality
  • Leveraging our partnerships to provide assistance on an as-needed basis on items such as green loans, waste management logistics, sub-metering, geothermal ground source heating and cooling, bulk internet 
  • Making recommendations on staffing and building operations
  • Assisting in the preparation of shared facilities agreement, establishment of cost sharing methodologies, and providing clarity on it's many complexities using our teams extensive resources and experience
Our services

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