How to prepare for a flood in your high-rise building

Monday January 01, 0001

Do you know how to prepare for a flood in your high-rise building? Don't underestimate the threat of floods in high-rise buildings. Even though you may be several stories above ground, critical systems like boilers, elevators, generators, and water pumps can still be compromised. These components are located underground, making them vulnerable to flood damage and disruption. It is important to stay informed and prepared. 

FirstService Residential experts state that vulnerability doesn’t have to equate disaster. Management, boards and residents can do a lot to keep people safe and minimize property loss during a flood. It’s a matter of taking what's learned and applying it to all high-rises – especially in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, which was the most destructive storm of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. 
What were those lessons? Before Sandy hit, a lot of buildings didn’t have emergency generators. When the power grid went down, it caused the fire pumps, sump pumps and water pumps to fail. All the sump pumps those buildings relied on became obsolete. When fire pumps don’t work, you must evacuate the building. When a water pump doesn’t work, you should initiate a voluntary evacuation because there will not be working plumbing above the sixth floor. Failure of the sump pump results in standing water and thus, more damage to the building. That is why high-rises now have generators or co-generators so that these systems continue to run even if a storm disrupts power. 
With that, let’s take a look at how you can minimize the impact of a flood in your high-rise building – and meet the challenges of flooding, should it occur. 

1. Know your flood risk. 

Living near water puts you at risk, but don't overlook hidden dangers. High-rise buildings in valleys or low-lying areas can also be vulnerable to flooding, making it more important to know exactly how to prepare for a flood in your high-rise building. 
Don't overlook building construction in assessing risk – basements and underground levels can pose threats. High-rises with basements should consider sump pumps and generators to assess risks accurately. Are there sump pumps? Are there generators? Answering these questions can help you pinpoint your risk. 
Gain valuable insights beyond the surface level with a professional property management company. Benefit from their expertise and access to local flood data to create a robust preparedness plan. By partnering with a property management company, you can go beyond just surface level preparation for natural disasters such as floods. These companies have access to valuable insights and resources that will help you create a comprehensive preparedness plan for your property. 

One of the key benefits of working with a professional property management company is their expertise in dealing with potential flood risks. They are well-versed in local flood data and can provide you with a detailed analysis of your property's vulnerability to such disasters. This information is crucial in creating a tailored plan that addresses specific risks and includes necessary precautions. 

Moreover, property management companies have experience in handling emergency situations, including floods. They have established protocols and procedures in place to mitigate damage and ensure the safety of tenants and properties. 

2. Protect critical systems. 

Ensure the safety of your mechanical and electrical systems by insulating and protecting them, especially in the basement of a flood-prone building. Don't forget about your water pump - residents on higher floors may be left without water during a flood due to limitations in the municipal system. Lack of water can lead to bathroom unavailability and necessitate resident evacuation. 

One crucial aspect of flood preparedness is protecting your mechanical and electrical systems. These vital components of a building are responsible for its functionality, and any damage to them can result in costly repairs or even render the building uninhabitable. 
Ensure your fire pump and emergency lighting are flood-proof and backup systems remain operational. For tall buildings, secure at least one elevator powered by a generator during emergencies. Don’t let essential back-up systems become inoperable when you need them most; protect them against flood waters with proper storage. An experienced management company will have encountered this challenge before and can tailor a storage plan to your building. 
As a final note on basements: look at everything you have stored there and imagine that space filled with water. This might affect how you choose to house other materials – such as fuel or heating oil. During severe flooding, these materials create an environmental hazard that poses a danger to your residents. Store smart and stay safe. 

3. Create an emergency plan and communicate it. 

Developing a comprehensive emergency plan for your residents is essential. This plan should encompass a wide variety of disasters, including fire, medical emergencies and yes, floods. 
A complete plan will include emergency contacts, evacuation maps and directions and tips for residents on how to submit insurance claims. Your plan should also list critical items residents should have on hand as part of their personal disaster preparedness kits. Make sure provisions are in place for protecting your most vulnerable residents, such as the elderly, people with disabilities and children. A good property management team will know your resident profiles and will have the experience needed to develop strategies for accommodating these individuals. 
Communication is key, too. Some management companies have special technologies for keeping residents informed during emergencies. FirstService Residential’s proprietary system, Resident Alert, sends critical updates via email, text message or phone during times of crisis. 
Look to your property management company to help make a staffing plan for emergencies, with planning right down to stocking food and providing accommodations for the extra team members you’ll need on-site during a flood. They’ll also help source preparedness items such as portable foundation walls or sandbags to be installed around your building when there’s a forecast for heavy storms and possible flooding. 
Should a disaster occur, a residential property management company with vast resources can help you find critical equipment like additional back-up generators from their roster of certified, quality vendors in other markets. This can be invaluable when local resources for these items are tapped out due to heavy demands in emergency situations. 
Once you have your emergency plan in place, get the word out to your residents, building staff and management team, using electronic documents for the tech-savvy and printed materials for residents who prefer hard copies. 

4. Ensure that you have the right insurance. 

Much to their detriment, many high-rise associations put their insurance on autopilot. It’s best practice to review your policy with an experienced insurance agent who specializes in high-rise properties annually. By conducting this policy review process each year, you’ll be sure your association has the maximum available insurance coverage for the best possible price. What’s more, a great property management company can help you implement policies and procedures that lower your building’s risk and, as a result, could lower your association’s premiums, too. 
There’s one thing to keep in mind that’s specific to flood insurance: will it cover the gaps that FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency) leaves open? For instance, FEMA excludes coverage for business income and additional living expenses. Make sure your property management company connects you with a professional insurance agent who’s familiar with FEMA’s limitations and can craft a flood insurance policy that ensures you’re fully covered. 
Flood insurance can be valuable even if your high-rise isn’t required to have it. Michael Hagewood is the manager of The Rhythm at Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee, which sits more than a mile from the Cumberland River and was not affected by devastating flooding of that river in 2010. Because it is not in a flood zone, the building is not required to carry flood insurance. However, some buildings in Nashville do have that coverage even when not required. “The storm water system here in Nashville can get overloaded pretty quickly,” Hagewood said. “If the storm sewers can’t handle flooding and back up into your building, causing damage, the flood insurance covers it, so it’s the responsible thing to do.” 
Hagewood said that the building he lived in during the 2010 floods was damaged. “My unit was on the second floor, so it wasn’t damaged, but the entire first floor was. All owners had to pay a special assessment because of that damage and the association is still paying off a Small Business Administration loan from that time,” he explained. “I tell people my story about the flooding when I encourage them to get an HO-6 insurance policy with special assessment coverage, and it makes a difference. I don’t think enough people know about that insurance or how important it can be. They are definitely more likely to buy it after hearing my experience." 

While there’s no way to prevent a flood, with proper preparation you can mitigate the potential damage – and more importantly, keep your residents safe. Put your plan in place now. 

Disclaimer: This article is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Consult with your association attorney.    
Monday January 01, 0001